Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ye Olde Mill

WE went for ice cream and to feed the ducks the other day...Carter had no interest in ice cream that day..too busy!

He is fearless so far with everything!

This was yesterday at Micheals...he wasn't too crazy about daddy putting this on him!

I have had this pendant for a long time...I've never been quite sure what to do with it..but finally I had an idea and I'm really happy with it!
Looks really cool on!


Araceli said...

Great pictures! He's so cute with his floppy hat. He was really intrigues with those ducks wasnt he? You took some great pictures...great memories for him.

LesChic Boutique said...

Thanks Araceli! Yes he WANTED those ducks BAD! LOL

Lora said...

Looks like a fun day.

I love the little winged elephant.. so cute, but not as cute as Carter :O)