Thursday, July 24, 2008

Boppy Boys!

It looks like both my boys like to sleep on my boppy's!
This was a surprise I found when I walked in Carter's room..seems like Fido is finally accepting the perks that come with having a baby around!
The Geek Squad came and fixed my computer! But like any appliance, this dumb computer has done the same thing for 6 months and I'm not kidding you it stopped doing it yesterday morning!
But he said when I updated my Norton it removed a tool bar that could have been causing the problem..and he added some memory and cleaned out, updated and showed me how to back up using my new external hard drive.. so his trip was worth it!
And I have my fast computer back..what a relief!
It was funny because poor Carter, he did so good considering the geek was here from 1:15-7:00!
But he liked looking at him..I think his black & white uniform fascinated him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They say babies see black and white better than colors and like it! So it could be he was actually fascinated..we don't want to think he ever dreamed of becoming one of them!;) LOL!!!q