Monday, May 12, 2008

Something happened at 4 this morning!!!

At the risk at sounding stupid...I think my water broke!
If thats not what it's still something..progress!
My friend Stephanie will be posting here to keep you updated ..I do have a doctor's appt. this morning so I'm going to wait to see what regular contractions yet so its still early!
~lil stinker waited till the next day didn't he!?
I just called my doctor and he said I'll meet you at the hospital!!


Lorelei Eurto said...

YIPPEE!!! Excellent News Leslie! Good luck on a nice and easy delivery!
Welcome to the world little Carter!

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's about time!! I'm so excited to see your little man!! Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers!

Lora said...

yay! i'm so excited for you!!

Anonymous said...

Yay I got goosebumps!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY THE DAY HAS ARRIVED! I am praying for a safe and happy delivery. You can do it momma and Chris! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

OH and did I call it or did I call it!?!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can't wait to see the little cutie!