If you have been thinking...wow she is earring crazy lately! You are right!
But it is the result of acid reflux and this crazy insane itching at night! I can't go to bed, I can't even sit for very long. But it seems if I keep my hands and mind busy it helps!
I had a doctor appt. today and he gave me Zyrtec for the itching...more Priolsec for the acid reflux and oh I forgot to mention my craving or more like obscession with ice chips... He checked my blood work and with all the craziness of the kidney thing going on last appt...it was over looked that I am slightly anemic. And ice crunching is a symptom..so hopefully that will take care of that before I grind all my teeth down!
So ladies..you know what iron does.........
yes, thats right so now I have Mira Lax added to my daily drinks!
I have never taken to many pills and things in my life!
Other than that..everything is going great..Carter's heartrate is perfect and he is doing some moves that make my tummy look like a roller coaster!
Oh and speaking of that..many of you have commented on that I don't look very big..well my doctor brought that up today...I am measuring right on schedule
but he said that since its my first and my stomach muscles were tight (all those situps..yea right)
that the baby is going "up" instead of "out"! So that is why I have acid reflux and the labored breathing. He showed me that my uterus is actually in the center of my chest!
No wonder!!!
Oh on another note..those who know me personally know about my teeny tiny arms..
Well I had a RH shot today (because I am O negative and Chris is positive)
the nurse commented on my tiny arms...(see I still have them!) I told you all I could gain 300 lbs and still have them! Well 40 and counting!
My doctor said yes thats because of your small frame.."you gained it all in your breast and hips"!
Gee thanks Doc..thanks for calling that one out!
So thats the latest!!!
And here are my latest creations along with 2 sneak previews!
The end of the pregnancy is the "not very fun part". Fortunately it ends with the best part! Hang in there!
I LOVE*LOVE*LOVE your jewelry!!! You're my new favorite etsy shop to look at everyday. I make jewelry too and you inspire me! I just started reading your blog tonight. I've been looking for over an hour and i need to go to bed :O) Just wanted to let you know how much i love your stuff. Oh...and goodluck with the pregnancy, sounds like you've had a little bit of a tough time. It's worth it...i have 4 kids and i've "birthed" 3 of them. You will know what TRUE love really is when he gets here!
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